Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Free The Shootist Analysis Essay Topic

Free The Shootist Analysis Essay Topic The Shootist Presentation The Shootist is a movie, which was coordinated by the amazing Don Siegel and delivered in the year 1976. It is an innovator film set in 1901 in Nevada. The story spins around the gallant Books who has become well known when he developed as an effective gunfighter. It includes his last days, which are so fierce and portrayed by heaps of difficulties. The film covers his last days not long before his demise when he is making overpowering wishes. Prior to meeting his passing, he winds up under the guardianship of Bond Rogers, a solid willed widow who possesses a grand lodging. His kinship with this family gets more grounded as he is seen as a decent tutor for Ron Howard who is the main child in this family. In any case, this doesn't keep going well before he is up to speed by his previous adversaries. This turns into a defining moment in his life. Having accomplished something in his life, he currently needs to appreciate a quiet demise. Thusly, he invests his energy searching for a sup erior path through which he could kick the bucket without bearing any torment and misery. Nonetheless, this isn't satisfied as he is hindered by his foes who deny him an honorable passing he has been seeking after. Regardless of the way that he murders every one of his foes, he later kicks the bucket in the wake of getting two firearm shots. This deadly stay denotes the deplorable finish of his life. The Shootist is a pioneer film since it has different components of this type in it This can be delineated from the manner in which it is created and introduced. Its topical concerns, expressive gadgets, and the course of action of the plots are away from of a pioneer show-stopper. There is a move from the conventional writing, which is inserted in the customary ideas of portrayal and delineation of realities in impression of the general public. Be that as it may, Don acquires an advancement this class when he broadly utilizes new highlights all through the film. This can be found in the accompanying territories: In the first place, The Shootist includes the utilization of formal characters There are such a large number of characters in this film every one of whom has an unmistakable task to carry out. These incorporate Books, Queen Victoria, Hostetler, Bond Rogers, Gillom, Marshal Walter Thibido, Mike Sweeney, Moses, Jack Pulford, and Jay Cobb. The collaboration between the Books, the hero, and different characters is like a run of the mill society. It includes the ordinary understandings and clashes, which is constantly found in innovator writing. While there is an agreeable connection between the hero and different characters like Bond Rogers, Gillom, Old fire Serepta, and Marshal Walter Thibido, there is a violent connection among him and others like Mike Sweeney and the two outsiders who draw in him in a stay. The contention is especially seen when Mike selects to retaliate for Books for the homicide of his sibling. Afterward, Books is gone up against by his foes who jump start a shoot out on him. Notwithstanding, after his passing, it is just the youthful Gillon w ho shows his adoration for his killed companion when he covers his dead body. He is disheartened on account of the cozy relationship they had. As of now featured, their fellowship begins when Books is invited in their family by his mom who needs him to tutor this little youngster. The sort of associations among all the characters is indicating that this film is a pioneer one. Furthermore, The Shootist is wealthy in imagery Wear broadly utilizes this gadget all through the film to help in the conveyance of his message to the watchers. The passing of Books is representative of his satisfaction as a firearm shooter who had the option to carry on with an existence of satisfaction. As a warrior, he did a great deal of things, which caused him to be famous in his locale. Afterward, he was unable to have a tranquil demise as he had been arranging, particularly during his last days on earth. As a person, he realized that he would kick the bucket one day. Along these lines, he was set up to confront his demise in an intense way. This is the reason, he was prepared to cross the network and run over individuals like Lauren. In the long run, he couldn't achieve this craving. Despite the fact that this was an exceptionally enormous hit to him, it was emblematic of how people groups past can frequent them. Rather than concentrating on his future, he focused on the past. All the things he had done in the past would l ater impact his life. His demise, which came about because of malignancy, is emblematic of how the past can frequent an individual. Imagery is likewise utilized when Gillon removes his top before the dead Books. This represents regard for the dead man. The evacuation of a top is constantly used to show some accommodation and order. It has been utilized in the trained powers for an extremely prolonged stretch of time. When Gillon expelled his top to salute the carcass of his coach, it implies that he was demonstrating that he regarded him as his senior. Be that as it may, this would not stop with his demise since it even proceeded. Aside from being his tutor, Books was a praised legend in this network. The film stresses the job of center throughout everyday life. Everybody ought not be stuck to their past. Rather, they should step up and adjust to their prompt condition and live respectively with the remainder of the general public. The utilization of this procedure empowers the film to add profundity to its importance, improve and make it all the more intriguing for the watchers. What's more, The Shootist presents subjects, which are pertinent to the pioneer belief systems. At the end of the day, there are messages of adaptability, contempt of war, and individual satisfaction. Books was aware of his job as a weapon shooter. He had been occupied with the customary firearm shootings. This turned out poorly with the remainder of the general public since it earned him bunches of adversaries, which later cost him a great deal in his life. Plus, his activities and disposition towards life was an away from of individual cognizance. As a discerning man, he could take a gander at life from an increasingly coherent perspective. His story is an away from of how clashes can be perilous and exorbitant over the long haul. In spite of the fact that he had been yearning for a serene passing, he was unable to accomplish this as a result of the evolving conditions. It is not, at this point feasible for individuals to adhere to the customary and odd lifestyles in which a wither ing keeps an eye on expressions were considered as mystery. Advancement has come and has made a huge difference. Individuals have dismissed the old norms and have gotten increasingly worried about objectivity. Books himself was additionally a distanced individual who was not connected to his family ties. He was significantly increasingly agreeable to live with Rodgers. It is an away from of the developing advancement where people become progressively distanced and look for individual achievements without a pointless impact from different family members. At long last, the film shows the components of innovation in light of the utilization of incongruity and parody The facts confirm that Books is a saint. The watchers anticipate that him should show his triumphs for a mind-blowing duration. It ought not exclusively be limited to battling. Truth be told, he is relied upon to do exceptional things. In any case, this doesn't become. As destiny would have it, he turns into a casualty of his history. To start with, he chooses to look for asylum in Rogers house. This is so unexpected in light of the fact that nobody can anticipate that him should be under the guardianship of a lady. His fortitude ought not permit him to be under the consideration of a lady. It is so mocking since he is the person who might be required to accommodate individuals like her. Afterward, he bites the dust in the war zone. It is amusing to such an extent that an incredible shooter like him is felled by another contender. His passing subsequent to felling every one of his adversaries seems unusual, yet humorous. In spite of the fact that he later passes on as a legend, it is an extraordinary misfortune to Gillom who gets so lamented by the incredible misfortune. Every one of these highlights qualify this film as a cutting edge one since it is a move from the customary sagas, which is normally portrayed by eternality of the heroes. End The Shootist is an all around coordinated film, which gives important training to its watchers. It is an extraordinary work by Don since it shows how craftsmanship can be utilized to communicate passionate inside condition of the characters by utilizing an assortment of complex gadgets, for example, parody, incongruity, juxtaposition, symbolism, and expressionism. These empower it to obviously draw out the significant subject of the film in a basic way to be comprehended by all the watchers. It is a genuine case of an innovator work, a characteristic, which made it secure the esteemed Writers Guild, Academy, and Golden Globes grants. The Shootist is without a doubt an important film, which ought to be prescribed to every one of those keen on getting engaged, instructed, and tested. It is an unquestionable requirement watch innovator film.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Risk Due To The Availability Of Resources Construction Essay

Hazard Due To The Availability Of Resources Construction Essay Dangers are associated with all phase of the development venture. The development dangers will emerge inside the agreement time frame and it might make the Contractors disappointment keep inside the cost financial plan, inability to finish the work inside the fruition date and inability to accomplish the quality prerequisite of work (Flanagan and Norman, 1993, p.8)â ². The Contractors have the duties to tolerate for the dangers that emerge during the development time frame (Flanagan and Norman, 1993, p.183)â ². When the agreement has been marked, the contractual workers have the duty to play out the undertaking either the task is proceed for better or for more awful until the venture is finished (Sayers, 1997, p.1)â ³. Therefore, the Contractors can't just delicate for a task without consider those hazard that engaged with the undertaking. Because of not perceived the dangers, it might make the Contractors lose cash or become bankrupt. The hazard has the limit of dissolving benefit and moving the undertaking from a benefit making into a misfortune making adventure. A Contractor can make a benefit or misfortune toward the finish of the undertaking is depending in how precisely the dangers have been surveyed. In this manner, the Contractors need to consider the hazard factors that engaged with the task so as to settle on a choice on whether to delicate the venture. The delicate cost will be impact by the hazard factors. The development dangers will cause the evaluated delicate whole contrast with the real expense of venture. In this manner, during offering for a venture, a Contractor needs to consider the dangers factors that may happen during the development stage so as to guarantee they have the capacity to complete the work and making a net revenue toward the finish of the task. 1.2 Aim and Objectives This investigation point is to comprehend the significance of dealing with the dangers during delicate stage. So as to accomplish the point, the accompanying targets are led to help the point:- To decide the development hazard that may happen inside the agreement time frame that looked by the Contractors. To delineate the outcome of the hazard where the dangers doesn't be overseen at the delicate stage. To recognize the methodology of dealing with the hazard that looked by the Contractor. 1.3 Background Hazard are engaged with the all phase of a development venture because of the development procedure period are long, the procedure are confounded, and exorbitant. A hazard can be overseen, decreased, moved, shared, and acknowledged, yet it can't be disregarded (Dallas, 2008, p. 5)â ¹. Also, the hazard has an effect over the development goals which in term of cost, time, quality, security and wellbeing and ecological (Flanagan and Norman, 1993, p.8)â ². Accordingly, before the Contractors are going to delicate for a task, they need to recognized all the hazard that face by him to quantify the effect that against by him. So as to managing the dangers, a hazard the executives forms are perceived as a frameworks procedure which helps the Contractors to deal with the development dangers. Hazard the board is one of the deliberate approaches to deal with the hazard or undesirable occasion which impact the result of the venture. As indicated by Smith et al. (2006, p.2)㠢⠁â', attempte d a hazard the executives procedure in delicate stage can help the Contractors to limit the effect of the hazard and settling on a superior choice over the hazard. By led the hazard the board procedure, it can help the Contractors have the better understanding over the dangers or issue. The dangers will include in every one of the delicate stage. During the evaluating procedure, the dangers elements will impact the delicate cost. The estimators need to guarantee the dangers are well evaluating into the delicate cost. Therefore, the hazard the board procedure must be directed in the delicate stage because of the hazard the board procedure can help to settle on right choice over task. 1.4 Scope of study This examination is center around how the Malaysian private Contractor dealing with the hazard before marked the agreement for an undertaking. The region of research is center around Malaysian private Contractor. The extents of this examination including discovering the diverse sort of the development hazard which may happen inside the agreement time frame and the outcome of those hazard against the Contractor. A reasonable methodology of dealing with the development must be given so as to distinguish, investigate and reaction those dangers. The poll study will directed so as to improve this examination. This examination will just concentrate on the gathering of the Malaysian private Contractor. 1.5 Research Methodology In this exploration, the principle examine techniques used to finish this examination are the writing audit and information assortment through the poll review which among the Malaysian private Contractors. The writing surveys in this examination are led to help the destinations of this investigation. The assets of the writing survey are from the books, diary articles, and web sources. So as to accomplish the targets of this investigation, the writing survey has concentrating on the potential development chance that experienced by the private Contractor, the impact to the development against the Contractor and the methodology of dealing with the development chance that are required to complete by the Contractor. Moreover, the poll overview will led among Malaysian private Contractor to upgrade this examination and accomplish the targets of this investigation. The poll overview sent to the Contractor through either by hand, email and post. The fundamental reason for direct the poll study is to get the data from the centering gatherings of Malaysian private Contractors so as to examine the development chance that looked by them, the impact of development chance among them and how the Contractor deal with the development chance. After the gathered information from the poll overview has been gathered, at that point the gathered information will sum up, orchestrating and examining by utilizing the SPSS programming. Additionally, an away from of the outcome will be directed to help this examination. 1.6 Structure of the Dissertation This investigation contains of 5 parts and every one of the section had summing up as follows: Section 1: Introduction This section features the principle reason that the Contractors need to do chance administration during the delicate stage. The point and targets and foundation of this examination has decided in this part. Section 2: Literature Review This section examined on the potential hazard that experienced by the Contractor, the result of development chance against the Contractor, significance of oversaw chance in delicate stage, and the methodology of deal with the hazard in delicate stage and development stage. Part 3: Research Methodology and Questionnaire Structuring This part distinguished the strategy and material that utilized in this examination. The exploration technique for this examination will be well deciphered in this section. Part 4: Data Analysis This part summed up, organized and broke down the gathered information and direct a plainly translation on the consequence of the gathered information. Part 5: Conclusion This part summed up the diagram and the finding of this investigation, and suggest on this examination for future research. ' 1.7 Reference Dallas, M. F. 2006. Worth and hazard the executives: A manual for best practice. UK: Blackwell. p.5. Flanagan, R and Norman, G. 1993. Hazard the board and development. London: Blackwell. p.8, 183. Sayers, P. 1997. Serious offering, the board and reality: Achieving an incentive for cash. London: E Fn Spon. p.1. Smith, N.J., Merna, T. what's more, Joling, P. 1999. Overseeing hazard in development venture. Oxford: Blackwell Science. p.2. Part 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Overview of different kind of dangers in development venture that looked by Contractors This part examined on the potential hazard that may happen during the agreement time frame. The meaning of hazard and the different kinds of the dangers and its outcome over the undertaking will be talked about on this part. 2.1.1 Definition of dangers Dangers that associated with the development task can be portrayed as the likelihood of happen something or happen some undesirable or horrible occasion which that will has an effect over the venture (Mostata Ghadak Zadeh, 2010, p.9). Flanagan and Norman (1993, p.8) underlined that, hazard is a dubious occasion the may cause a development venture inability to keep inside the goal of task which in term of cost, time, quality, security and natural manageability. In addition, Begum Ongel (2009) expressed that, dangers can be portrayed as the unexpected occasion that may be happen later on and may have negative outcomes over the venture goals. The development hazard can be portrayed as a vulnerability or likelihood of event of something that has an effect over the task result as appeared as Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1: The Concept of the hazard (Source: Merna and A-Thani, 2008, p.8) Merna and A-Thani (2008, p.13) proposed that, the hazard can be depicted into 3 arranged:- Known hazard The referred to hazard can be depicted as the dangers that happen each day on development industry. Fundamentally, the realized hazard will be the variety work and the swelling in development asset costs. Those realized hazard will cause the extra work should have been complete and delay for the work. On the off chance that the realized hazard has occur in the development stage, at that point those work will generally secured by the possibility whole of the agreement. Known questions The realized questions are the hazard occasion that can be anticipated or predicted. The impact of the known questions and their likelihood of event will be effectively to be known. Obscure questions The obscure questions are the hazard that can only with significant effort be anticipated. For the most part, those occasions that can't be effortlessly predicted are the power majeure occasion. 2.1.2 Type of hazard in delicate stage As per Odeyinka et al (2006), the hazard sources in the constr

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Competitive Elements Of Illovo Malawi Business Essay

The Competitive Elements Of Illovo Malawi Business Essay Basically evaluate the vital setting inside which your firm works utilizing any theoretical structure, which you believe is suitable, and clarify which are the most significant general business patterns and serious components. Which of these should key chiefs in your preferred organization consider the most and why? Illovo Sugar (Malawi) Ltd is an auxiliary of a South African organization Illovo Sugar South Africa. Illovo Sugar Malawi is the countrys biggest sugar maker. There are two different organizations that have recently set up inside the past two years, nonetheless, they can not be recognized starting at yet as they are yet to initiate tasks. Illovo sugar is a huge worldwide organization that ranges across six African nations that incorporate Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique, Swaziland and South Africa. They are the biggest sugar makers inside each separate nation that they are available in. Illovo Sugar works through auxiliaries inside every one of the referenced nations. At the point when we examine to add up to volume of sugar created among all the offices that Illovo claims, it shows that they are the biggest maker of sugar inside the African subcontinent. Illovo Sugar is recorded on the Johannesburg Stock trade and on the Malawian and Zambian Stock Exchange individually (as auxiliaries). The larger part responsibility for Sugar, 51% of it, has a place with a FTSE 100 Company Associated British Foods Plc. Illovo Sugar Malawi, alongside its different auxiliaries inside Africa, have indicated year on year reliable development for the whole Illovo Group in Africa, it is this degree of execution which has named Illovo the biggest sugar maker in Africa. PESTEL Analysis: I will currently layout a PESTEL examination for Illovo Sugar Ltd, inside which I will cover all the political, affordable, social, innovative, natural and legitimate viewpoints that influence Illovo Sugar. Political: Political strength inside Malawi has been an issue for Illovo Sugar Malawi during 2012. The absolutist guideline of the previous president reached a sudden conclusion when he kicked the bucket because of heart failure. This implied Illovo needed to frame new associations with the new president (previous VP) who had her own ideological group. Doing as such, it would give Illovo get to right to the highest point of the tree; it could along these lines practice this fellowship at whatever point it expected to. At the point when the administration mentality is viewed, because of the conservative issues in Malawi, the extraordinary absence of forex has prompted numerous issues and it has disabled the economy. The present system is on the transition to expand trades so as to create the genuinely necessary forex, this being a direct presidential activity. Due to Illovo Sugar Malawi being one of the top exporters inside Malawi, it is accordingly one of the good associations legitimately from the workplaces of the president. Degenerate governments as a rule sway associations when they settle on choices at firm levels. The effect of degenerate priests and even presidents at times end up being a fundamental political issue to an enormous organization, for example, Illovo Sugar. For this situation, to the extent it tends to be noted, it appears that Illovo Sugar Malawi has directed away from being affected by such individuals or governments. Prudent: Malawi is as of now suffering perhaps the harshest condition identified with its economy. It has actually injured, from being the second quickest developing economy on the planet in 2008, it has fallen at such a disturbing rate, to the detriment of the absolutist standard of the previous president who detested the western benefactor nations. It prompted exceptional deficiencies of forex inside Malawi, and with Malawi being a transcendently bringing in nation, it disabled numerous segments and expansion began to increase at a disturbing rate. The greatest reason for concern is the degrading of the Malawi Kwacha it will build costs from all perspectives for Illovo Malawi, notwithstanding, because of the floatation of the money inside the universal markets, it will in this manner acquire better costs for its ware on the global market. Credit accessibility and loan fees are likewise an issue for Illovo Sugar Malawi. The credit is accessible however because of liquidity deficiencies of the Malawi kwacha, the Reserve Bank of Malawi has put high premium charges using a loan offices. Because of this issue, Illovo Malawi will assume out as meager acknowledgment offices as its needs so as to maintain a strategic distance from high intrigue chargesâ [1]â . At the point when the general business development is broke down, it very well may be thought about, volumetrically, that Illovo Sugar Malawi has kept on developing in spite of the considerable number of issues it faces. It keeps on being the biggest supporter of the Illovo Sugar Group at 39% of its general working profitâ [2]â . Thusly, the industry keeps on developing and the possibility for the future for Illovo Malawi glances great as far as a prudent perspective. Social: Illovo Sugar Malawi works two generally huge offices inside Malawi. They utilize roughly 5400 individuals fulltime and around 4500 regular representatives. They furnish work to neighborhood Malawians with included advantages as a component of their corporate citizenship plot. Illovo Sugar Malawi likewise buckles down in keeping up their corporate social duty picture. They have manufactured schools and clinical focuses inside the nearby networks. Each representative approaches clinical and instructive consideration, with their dependants included as well. Aside from this, they furnish lodging to more than 4500 individuals with civilities, for example, running water, power and waste administration servicesâ [3]â . Aside from the abovementioned, Illovo additionally does other social demonstrations of noble cause as gifts to clinics and of help to alleviation casualties of catastrophic events inside Malawi. Aside from keeping up its own sugarcane developing offices, Illovo assumes a socially mindful job with regards to buying sugarcane from neighborhood smallholder ranchers. They represent up to 13% of Illovo Malawis all out crude material volumeâ [4]â . Innovative: Illovo Sugar, as referenced is the biggest sugar maker in Africa, thusly they will undoubtedly keep their innovative mentality at its pinnacle execution. In the present world, innovation is known for making forms a lot more straightforward and did quicker and productively. Concerning plant and hardware at Illovo, which is the center of the whole business, they will give the most noteworthy consideration to new innovative participants inside the market. Effectiveness, cost sparing and speed is the thing that drives any assembling business and it is the equivalent with Illovo Malawi. New procedure advances inside this line of business can quickly give the edge over contenders and Illovo can use this to further their potential benefit. In the event that another mechanical idea is trialed on one site, whenever demonstrated to be effective, if all variables are thought of, they can without much of a stretch apply this to every one of their destinations and receive the rewards. Illovo develops their own sugarcane and mechanical advances in cultivating techniques are continually progressing, hence they are continually creating and making the whole procedure simpler all together for the partner to increase greatest advantages, for example most extreme yield of crude material. Natural: Illovo Sugar Malawi expends a great deal of electrical force, so as to be earth proficient, they utilize the waste material known as bagasse to produce the required degrees of power. The bagasse is a bio-inexhaustible fuel source and it assists with keeping the natural effect of the whole activities at any rate. Along these lines, Illovo is additionally absolutely independent as far as power supplies. Illovo likewise controls all wastewater from the sugar making process; it treats and reuses the water for use in its stick developing operationsâ [5]â . The two destinations of Illovo in Malawi every year plant new trees so as to check ecological debasement and soil disintegration that might be caused during the cultivating stagesâ [6]â . As a result of the sugar making process, different alcohols can be extricated from the procedure. Illovo Malawi consequently adds to fuel liquor refineries in Malawi and they produce ethanol, which is an option bio-fuel. Lawful: Wellbeing and Safety is one of the lawful difficulties that Illovo faces. They run an enormous wellbeing and security battle so as to forestall any occurrences. They keep on affecting the attitude of every one of its representatives on the different wellbeing and security angles to be security cognizant. They additionally plan security programs for the more extensive networks spread over the two bequests along these lines expanding wellbeing mindfulness and improving security propensities. General Business Trends: Inside Malawi, Illovo works on two massively enormous locales that are arranged inside the southern and northern areas of Malawi individually. All things considered, 300000 Metric Tons of Sugar inside the two destinations joined. Practically 60% of this is sold inside Malawi itself because of the appeal consistently. The staying 40% is provided to neighboring markets, with Zimbabwe being the biggest purchaser. Through the staying 40%, it either winds up inside the European markets or inside the nearby territorial nations, for example Zimbabwe, Kenya and Ugandaâ [7]â . Illovo Sugar Malawi is the most elevated patron inside the whole Illovo gathering, by uprightness of its working benefit. At the point when examined, it is the third biggest out of six auxiliaries as far as volumetric sugar creation, anyway one can just reach the resolution that Illovo Malawi is bringing better costs for its refined, non refined and claim to fame sugars inside the worldwide market. The level of globally provided sugar is relied upon to increment from 40% and important markets, for example, the EU are indicating high potential because of good costs being accomplished. As indicated by the 2012 Annual report, economic situations were considered by solid interest from European shippers who perceive Malawis quality norm

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Globalization Essay (2020 Example)

Globalization Essay Globalization: Advantages, Disadvantages and Concerns This essay discusses globalization and how social commentators and historians act like globalization is a new concept, but it’s not. It’s something that has occurred between nations for as long as nations have interacted. According to the SUNY Levin institute, â€Å"Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by  international trade  and investment  and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development, and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world (2018). Globalization has been around for thousands of years because people have been buying and selling to one another all over the world regardless of how much distance was between them.   For hundreds upon hundreds of years, people and companies have made strategic investments in the work of other cou ntries, with many of the current traits of globalization that dominate today comparable to those that were the norm before World War One (SUNY Levin). However, with the changes in policy and the advancements in technology of the last fifty years, globalization has been able to occur at a faster rate, making many social scientists assert that we are in a new arena of international economic development. As one author, Thomas Friedman has asserted, today globalization is â€Å"farther, faster, cheaper, and deeper†Ã¢â‚¬â€and this is one of the reasons that globalization remains a very controversial topic. Globalization today has been pushed by policies that have opened up economies all over the world, that have helped nations far and wide boost their own productive potential. More and more companies all over the world have engaged in foreign partnerships, with so many of these changes driven by the rapid advances of technology and the ability to make immediate and informed analyses of economies all over the world (SUNY Levin). Table of Contents1 Titles2 Topics3 Outline4 Essay Hook5 Introduction6 Thesis Statement7 Essay Body7.1 Advantages of Globalization7.2 Disadvantages of Globalization8 Conclusion9 References10 Closing Titles Pros and Cons and Nuances: Looking at Globalization from Every Angle The Impact of Globalization Today Beyond Trade: How Globalization is Forging a Brave New World Today The Silent Partner: Globalization as International Influencer Impacts of Globalization: Now and Later Topics Benefits of Globalization Disadvantages of Globalization How Technology Affects Globalization Globalization from Political Perspective Globalization from an Economic Perspective: Poor vs. Wealthy Nations Outline I.   Introduction a.   Brief definition of Globalization b.   Brief overview of how globalization has almost always existed to some extent. c.   Thesis: Globalization is more complex today as it is deeper and more intense that the Pre World War I variety and has more repercussions and entanglements. II.   Advantages of Globalization a.   – Economic Benefits b.   – Social Benefits c.   – Global Benefits III. Disadvantages of Globalization a.   – Cultural issues b.   – Economic injustice c.   –Spread of disease Economic Issues and Globalization a.   Benefits and Drawbacks V.   Conclusion Essay Hook Globalization has been a double-edged sword in American and all over the world, offering it both numerous benefits and drawbacks, conveniences and complexities. Given the inherent duality of globalization, it is worth taking a closer look at all the nuances connected to it. Introduction With each century that passes, humans all around the far stretches of the globe become closer, in an constantly moving process of global integration that seems to grow more rapid with each passing year.   As technology speeds ahead at a breakneck speed, the various sectors of the world become more interdependent. â€Å"Multinational corporations manufacture products in many countries and sell to consumers around the world. Money, technology and raw materials move ever more swiftly across national borders† ( However, it’s not just these tangible items that are moving swiftly across borders: ideas, rituals and cultures are crossing borders every swiftly as well which means that more policies and social movements develop on an international stage. The globalization of today is not the globalization of 70 years ago. Much of the globalization that defined the 20th century has direct ties to the Industrial Revolution and the transport of goods across borders (Baldwin, 2018). This was a very specific type of globalization as it meant that it was measurable, countable, and had clear limitations of all mechanical and physical infrastructure along with clear policies such as taxes and tariffs to control it. Globalization today has evolved into a different form that still includes this original, more concrete form of trade: today globalization is the exchange of concepts and services and the implications for the future truly are immense and need to be expanded against our narrow 20th century paradigms. Hence, while globalization has transformed, most people have not changed their mindsets accordingly and their connected thought processes. ? One way to illustrate how powerful globalization is revolves around the fact the if you look back to the year 1000, grouping India and China in one group and the G7 nations in another, you’ll see that India and China had the bulk (50%) of the gross domestic product and the G7 nations had under 10% of it (Baldwin, 2018). This was expected as in those days, nearly everyone depended on an agrarian economy and India and China had the majority of the world’s people so it made sense that they had the bulk of the GDP. â€Å"Starting around the 1820s—the decade economists Kevin H. O’Rourke of Oxford and Jeffrey G. Williamson of Harvard have pegged as the start of modern globalization—the G7 share starts to swell. Over the course of about 170 years, it goes from about one-fifth up to about two-thirds of world income. That’s how powerful globalization—the movement of goods across borders—was† (Baldwin, 2018). This demonstrates the sheer transformative force of globalization and how it has the ability to alter economies and lifestyles and modes of conduct. One could argue that the world is undergoing a similarly powerful transformative stage in this new form of globalization. Thesis Statement Globalization is a powerful force that can change the world and the lives within it very rapidly. It’s crucial to adequately understand how globalization work, the assets it provides and the challenges it creates in order to be able to harness its immense power. Essay Body Advantages of Globalization The benefits of globalization are numerous and have made direct and sustainable contributions to society. With every potential benefit of globalization, there is of course a caveat, which demonstrates how often in the reality of globalization, things don’t often manifest as they â€Å"should† theoretically. For instance, those who support unfettered globalization push the fact that it offers the possibility to unravel some of the more complex issues that plague the world, such as unemployment and poverty (Collins, 2015). Supporters of globalization usually connect this to the potentialities that free trade can unleash, as it can minimize taxes and tariffs, something that isn’t often true in real life. Many G20 nations have continued to add 1200 more restrictive export and import measures in the last 10 years (Collins, 2018).   Regardless, those who see the benefits of globalization argue it represents free trade which can’t help but create global economi c growth, the creation of jobs and drives competition between companies, ultimately lowering prices for consumers (Collins, 2018). However, the caveat attached to this advantage is that nations manipulate their currencies in order to receive a more aggravated price advantage (Collins, 2018).   Globalization â€Å"†¦also provides poor countries, through infusions of foreign capital and technology, with the chance to develop economically and by spreading prosperity, creates the conditions in which democracy and respect for human rights may flourish† (Collins, 2018). While many pessimists refer to this advantage as a mere â€Å"ethereal† goal and something that has yet to be achieved by most nations, one can’t help but acknowledge that progress has undeniably been made in both spreading prosperity, better respect for human rights and the dissemination of democratic principles. Technology has been such an important aspect of modern globalization and of course, the Internet has shaped so much of how business is conducted today. There is now a global market for firms and customers who now have access to a range of nations they had never been able to interact with before. Even some of the smallest villages can begin to start their own businesses selling crafts and goods online: handmade baskets, necklaces, scarves etc. can all be made and sold online to people all over the world: there truly are endless possibilities. This is a huge change that has occurred in the world, because it honestly equates to economic freedom for so many people—most notably for girls and women all over the world who otherwise had no means of forging economic independence for themselves. This is a clear transformation to the way that people live and can reshape destinies, ensuring that more and more people have greater possibilities and are able to chart their financial paths an d fate, no longer being dependent on farming alone. One thing that globalization has always meant has been a greater sense of interdependence and inter-connectedness.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Gradually there is a world power that is being created instead of compartmentalized power sectors. Politics is merging and decisions that are being taken are actually beneficial for people all over the world† (Collins, 2015). While this might be an overly optimistic viewpoint of what is happening in the world today, there is a higher level of consciousness that has occurred in conjunction with globalization that has ensured that powerful nations don’t merely think of themselves, but consider the bigger picture of their actions and how their actions make an impact on the greater world stage. Another major benefit of globalization is that it forces there to a more intense exchange of information among nations, even nations that do not have anything particularly in common among them. This create more knowledge and ideally, greater understanding of nations all over the globe, and hopefully of America itself. For many decades, America has just been dismissed as a super-capitalist, fast-food nation, intent on materialism, gross foreign policy and saturating the rest of the world with its culture. There’s a far more nuanced perspective available of what America is like as a country, one that includes its promotion of individualism, world peace and a commitment to self-betterment. The greater the sense of understanding that can exist between nations, the greater an opportunity for there to be peace and mutual assistance. With greater information moving between nations, this opens the door for a greater cultural mingling (Collins, 2015). Sharing cultures, rituals, traditi ons with neighbors far and wide is another practice that can help build understanding. With greater understanding comes a bigger possibility to build world peace. This isn’t something that is going to happen overnight, but globalization in this manner can help sow the seeds. From a social perspective, one could argue that globalization has helped to forge a higher level of tolerance among people and among those who live differently than we do (Collins, 2015). Again this is another brick in the road towards world peace. When it comes to protecting and improving the environment, more governments around the world are working together to sort out ecological problems (Collins, 2015). While there haven’t been a greater deal of life-changing solutions that have emerged from these talks, the attempts have been made and the first steps are in motion to undo so much of the damage that has already been done.   This teamwork, however, has been a direct result of globalization, s ince globalization has cause more and more governments around the world to share financial interests. And finally, many people correctly view things like quick travel, rapid mass communication and the speedy dissemination of information via the Internet as one of the benefits of globalization (Collins, 2015). There have also been marked economic benefits of globalization, which will be discussed later. Disadvantages of Globalization One major disadvantage of globalization that has been cited again and again is that via the cultural exchange that occurs because of globalization, it has also created a destruction of cultural identities. â€Å"Culture sets the identity of one state to another; every country had its own main culture and subcultures, which represent that nation and symbolizes its society, character and way of life. In today’s world, we see three dominant world cultures; US, European Union and Japan. This cultural group sets the world’s agenda† (Sundby, 2018). When emerging nations such as Brazil, India and China come on the world stage, more and more people have argued that they are bending to the cultural influence of the big three.   However, supporters of globalization have argued that culture are continually changing and have evolved and adapted since the beginning of time—one shouldn’t necessarily blame globalization for that. The influence of cultures on one another is just more acute now.   However, these same critics of globalization argue that there’s a marked imbalance as America has such a profound influence on cultures all over the world, and to an unfair degree. â€Å"Advancements in technology, has allowed dominance of American products in foreign countries, which is a threat to cultural identity of these foreign countries. American-based television, movies, music and literature are viewed worldwide. These often indoctrinate cultures into thinking the American way is the way to success and prosperity† (Sundby, 2018). The dominance of American way of life on the world stage, is a drawback of globalization as it can stifle and suffocate so many other cultural viewpoints. A Pew research study conducted in 2007 and which interviewed 47 nations found that 46 of them asserted that their traditional way of life was being erased (Sundby, 2018). Supporters of globalization argue that cultures of smaller nations aren’t being eradicated; they’re merely being forced to adapt to global forces more acutely and that this is a dynamic that is as old as time itself. Another drawback of globalization revolves around the fact that may have argued that it leads to more mass migration and immigration, something that puts stress and burden on governments all over the world. â€Å"The dramatic increase in migration and influx of refugees had also brought new problems and pressures to many Governments and communities†¦ Ever-expanding technological innovations allowed for automation of many tasks in industry and manufacturing and in services.   Workers were being displaced and unemployed† (, 2016). Hence, this demonstrates one of the double-edged swords of globalization: while it gives more freedom to workers to travel around the world and market their skills, this tendency can alienate the existing labor market and put a downward pressure on wages (Collins, 2015). The issue revolving jobs has been one of the biggest complaints about globalization. When factories move to lower cost nations that creates rife unemployment. â€Å"According to conservative estimates by Robert Scott of the Economic Policy Institute, granting China most favored nation status drained away 3.2 million jobs, including 2.4 million manufacturing jobs. He pegs the net losses due to our trade deficit with Japan ($78.3 billion in 2013) at 896,000 jobs, as well as an additional 682,900 jobs from the Mexico –U.S. trade-deficit run-up from 1994 through 2010† (Collins, 2015). These numbers reflect plainly how globalization can undermine the fiscal security of its people—even in developed nation like America. Even when workers in America don’t lose their jobs, they often have to deal with demands from employers for reductions in pay, when these same employers make threats to send these jobs overseas (Collins, 2015). Some have argued that globalization has essentially created a â€Å"culture of fear† for many workers around the world. Other have argued that the expansion of labor to cheaper nations is also what enables certain evils such as child labor and human trafficking. Moreover, one of the most common complaints about globalization is that it heightens economic inequality: the rich become wealthier and the poor become more disadvantaged. â€Å"During the most recent period of rapid growth in global trade and investment, 1960 to 1998, inequality worsened both internationally and within countries. The UN Development Program reports that the richest 20 percent of the worlds population consume 86 percent of the worlds resources while the poorest 80 percent consume just 14 percent† (Collins, 2015). Anyone can see that this is just another manifestation of injustice and unless big changes are made, such economic inequality is just going to.. [ several sections of this essay are missing, click here to view the entire essay ] Conclusion Globalization is as old as time itself. For as long as nations have existed they have interacted with one another. This is the way it has always been and it is not going to change any time soon. In order to have a more just and peaceful world, the disadvantages of globalization need to be better managed. However, globalization brings so many benefits and possibilities to the world it should not be scapegoated in the way that it currently is. Globalization, at its core, is simply trade and the after effects of trade, and this is a dynamic that we want to preserve between nations. The benefits of globalization are clear: it offers massive economic benefits and greater understanding among nations, something that can ultimately lead to world peace. While the drawbacks of globalization are clear as it can cause inequality and labor issues, if managed properly these concerns can be overcome. References Baker,  S.  A., Lawson,  R.  A. (2002, August 1). The Benefits of Globalization: An Economic Perspective. Retrieved from Baldwin,  R. (2018, April 30). Globalization is close to its holy cow? moment. Retrieved from Collins,  M. (2015, May 6). The Pros And Cons Of Globalization. Retrieved from (2018). Globalization. Retrieved from Sundby,  L. (2018). Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization | LYNDIE SUNDBY. Retrieved from SUNY Levin. (n.d.). What Is Globalization? | Globalization101. Retrieved from (2016, October 7). Drawbacks of Globalization, Technology Expansion among Topics Highlighted, at Second Committee, Economic and Social Council Joint Meeting | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases. Retrieved from Closing This globalization looks at the most common definitions of globalization, along with the history of globalization and how globalization has transformed itself in the modern age. This essay has taken a long hard look at the benefits and drawbacks of globalization and the challenges it presents in the modern era. Subsequent essays on globalization should explore more workable solutions regarding the best ways to manage the drawbacks of this phenomenon. Once the imbalances of globalization are better ironed out, it will be able to benefit more people. View or Download this full document in (.docx) format. --> Open Full Document Open full document and source list OR Order A Custom Written Essay Order a one-of-a-kind custom essay on this topic

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Commonly Confused Abbreviations Etc. and Et Al.

The abbreviations etc. and et al. are related, but they shouldnt be used interchangeably. The abbreviation etc. (from the Latin et cetera) means and so on. Etc. is most commonly used in informal or technical writing to suggest the logical continuation of a list. A period (full stop) belongs after the c in etc. The abbreviation et al. (from the Latin et alii) means and others. Et al. is most commonly used in bibliographic citations and in informal or technical writing to suggest the logical continuation of a list of people (not, as a general rule, of things). A period belongs after the l in et al. (but not after the t). Avoid redundant phrases  and etc.  and  and et al. Examples Together the teachers and students participate in large group activities--discussion boards, Internet forums, blogs, etc. Blachowicz et al. (2006, p. 532) refer to this form of vocabulary development as incidental word learning.I know how the song goes. In fact, not only do Donner, Blitzen, et al., not love him and laugh out loud with glee, but they doubly despise the bulbous-nosed little wimp.(Kelsey Grammer as Dr. Frasier Crane in Cheers, 1986) Usage Notes Do not use etc. or an equivalent expression at the end of a series introduced by such as, for example, or e.g. Such terms imply that only a few selected examples will be given; therefore, it is unnecessary to add etc. or and so on, which suggests that further examples could be given.(William A. Sabin, The Gregg Reference Manual, 10th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2005)Use etc. with a logical progression (1, 2, 3, etc.) and when at least two items are named. . . . Otherwise, avoid etc. because the reader may not be able to infer what other items a list might include.(Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu, Handbook of Technical Writing, 8th ed. Bedford/St. Martins, 2006)Et cetera: the expression that makes people think you know more than you do.(Herbert Prochnow) Practice (a) Teachers should help students notice how the â€Å"little words† (a, and, of, with, from, _____) have very specific meanings in math word problems.(b) A study by Boonen _____ found that work disability and incapacity increased steadily with the duration of the disease. Answers (a) Teachers should help students notice how the â€Å"little words† (a, and, of, with, from,  etc.) have very specific meanings in math word problems.(b) A study by Boonen  et al.  found that work disability and incapacity increased steadily with the duration of the disease.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Literacy Is Important For Students - 1281 Words

Literacy is very important for students, but what is literacy? Literacy is the ability to read, view, write, design, speak and listen in a way that allows you to communicate effectively (Neilson, 2014). The power of literacy lies not just in the ability to read and write, but rather in a person’s capacity to apply these skills to effectively connect, interpret and discern the intricacies of the world in which they live (Neilson, 2014). Students who are not properly taught correct literacy can struggle with communication. Focussing on the five components that make up literacy is the key to students successfully learning to communicate. The first component that makes up literacy is phonemic awareness. Phonemic awareness involves an understanding of the ways that sounds function in words, and focusses only on manipulating individual sounds (phonemes) (DeVries, 2015). Understanding the sounds the letters make in a word, is crucial for learning a language. If a person were not able to understand the sounds of the letters in a word, they will not be able to pronounce the word correctly. Also, if a person mispronounces a phoneme in a word, they could change the entire meaning of the word. An example of this could be the word live. Depending on the sentence this word is used in, will determine how to pronounce this word. The person reading the sentence must be phonemically aware in order to read the word correctly. Using the word live in two sentences can change the entire meaningShow MoreRelatedLiteracy As A 21st Century Educator1604 Words   |  7 PagesWhen one hears the term literacy, the first thought that comes to mind is reading. However, literacy is so much more. It is in everything we do, from reading a book to getting from one location to another. We often do not realize how much literacy is in every aspect of our daily lives. As a math teacher, I chose to explore this concept as it relates to mathematics. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

C and G Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector free essay sample

CG Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) Participant: Kristina Marinova Course Start Date: 27/01/2010 Level 4 Theory Assignment 1. Review your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle. My current role is limited to the learner support at the training centre that I am currently working. The courses that our learners do are English (Entry levels, Level 1 and Level 2), mathematics (Entry levels, Level 1 and Level 2), Home and Office IT (Level 2) and NVQ in Customer Service (Level 2). I normally deal with the learners face-to-face and when they come to the centre I need to identify their learning needs and to provide them with the information that they need with respect to their needs. When I am aware of those needs, I need to put them on Initial Assessment for determining their current levels in the relevant subject. Once the results are available, I am able to decide, along with them, on which programme they can be enrolled. Once enrolled I need to explain to them how they can access the courses as the learning that we provide is also self-learning and most of the courses can be accessed from home. I then have to make sure that the learner is comfortable with this type of learning and are also aware of the possibilities to get support and help even from home. In many cases we receive many requests for help by e-mail but in most cases we encourage the learners to come to the learning centre so they can get one-to-one advice and help. When a new learner is joined, the tutor is supposed to keep all the records in the learner’s personal folder. In this folder, we keep the personal details of the learners, their results from Initial Assessments and Diagnostics, learning agreements, results from tests, exercises, etc. Part of my personal responsibilities is to keep the file updated and to make sure that everything stays confidential and no information is lost. Another aspect of my job is to carry out one-to-one reviews with the learners so I am aware of their progress and how far they have gone in the achievement of their learning goals. For this purpose, the tutors in our centre are obliged to carry out regular progress review where they get an idea about the learning journeys of the individuals and to make the necessary correction in their learning plans so they suit the needs of the learners. That needs change with the time as the learners are acquiring new knowledge and skills so the tutor should be flexible with respect to this. As a tutor, I have a duty of care for the learners and I also have to act and speak appropriately and to treat the learners with respect. Building the trust and establishing a relationship with the learner is also important in the whole process of delivering teaching. In many cases, the teacher needs to know more about the learners in order to be prepared to take the right approach towards the learners and their needs. Alongside with my duties and responsibilities, I also have certain boundaries that I need to consider. Those professional boundaries are about knowing where my role as a learner stops. There are some strong ethical issues with respect to the above limitations, mainly, the appropriateness of the teacher/learner relationship and disciplinary lines for misconduct. The teacher should utilize effectively when the student requires further help, which is beyond the teacher’s limits. In such a case, a referral to another organization should be made, where the learners can meet their requirements. In my job as a tutor, I am constantly trying to stick to my role and responsibilities and to make sure that I keep my authority within the professional boundaries that I have. As a reference I can provide a detailed description of my position which can be found on the website of our company: www. tletraining. com[-0] or http://tleconsultants. com/intranet2 2. Summarize the key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to your subject and the type of organization within which you work. As a tutor I need to be aware of the key aspects of current legislation and codes of practice that are relevant to our organizations. As I have to summarize the key aspects of those codes and requirements, I will not cite them but just state what they are about. In our organization, we need to consider: ?Equality Act – eliminate discrimination, reduce inequality, protect human rights and making sure that everyone has a fair chances to learn and take active part in society. Disability Discrimination Act – all learners must be given the necessary adaptations needed to allow them to participate in learning to their full potential. ?Sex Discrimination Act – no man or woman should be treated less favorably on the ground of their sex or marital status. ?Race Relations Act – none should be discriminated on the basis on their color, race, nationality, ethnic or national origins. ?Data Protection Act – making sure that the learner’s private informatio n is kept strictly confidential. In our centre we have a client questioner where the learner provides personal details. Moreover, we keep proofs of identity, proof of address (bank statements, bills, etc) and eligibility proofs. I also need to make sure that no personal information is left unattended or disposed to third party. The learner’s folder is stored in a cabinet and all records are kept for 6 years. After that period the file should be destroyed. Reference: Data Protection – opsi. gov. uk Health and Safety Executive – hse. gov. uk 3. Discuss issues of equality and diversity and ways to promote inclusion with your learners. Review other points of referral available to meet the potential needs of learners. The above aspects refer to the acknowledging and respecting the individual needs of our learners, helping and supporting them. As a tutor I need to continuously monitor any barriers or boundaries that the learners so they can participate efficiently in the learning process. Equality is about the rights of learners to attend and participate no matter what their gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation and race are. In our centre we strictly monitor whether any of our learners are being discriminated by any member of staff or another learners. So far in my practice, I haven’t had any cases of discrimination or any complaints with respect to this matter as we treat equally the different learners that come to us and make sure that they are feeling comfortably in the centre amongst others learners. Diversity refers to valuing the differences in people including all aspects of such differences – gender, sex, race, age, disabilities or any other individual characteristics. Some issues, that might be considered, are: financial pressures, reluctance to train, learning difficulties, travel issues, access to resources, cultural pressure, etc. However, access to our courses is being given to anyone regardless of any of the above issues and all learners are able to benefit from the training that we provide. One of my priorities is to reach out to people who have never before been able to participate in learning and enable them to become fully engaged. I am trying to offer them ways of learning that they have never been introduced to before and to help them access the information and resources that they need for their learning. There is a variety of ways to promote a sense of inclusion (group discussions, group activities, feedback, etc. and make the learners comfortable in the learning environment. The most important, however, is to build a meaningful dialog with the learners. By listening to what the learners have to say about their individual needs or requirements, helps me to identify and use strategies to overcome barriers to successful learning. â€Å"Know your learners† is the main principle for every tutor to follow. Last but not least, I need to ensure that I provide equal support to all of the learners so all individuals meet their needs within the group. In some cases there are learners that have needs that cannot be met by our organization. In such cases we need to refer them to another organization or individual that would be able to provide them with the information or help needed. As an example, I can give cases where learners are not fluent in English and their knowledge is not sufficient for them to benefit from our courses, as they are not able to speak or write in English. For such learners we recommend ESOL classes (more basic English classes) in local organizations and colleges. We also have IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance) advisor in the centre, who is able to personally talk to the learners and get more information about their personal and professional needs. The advisor is able to refer them to the write educational or working organization that would satisfy the needs of the individual learner. We as tutors, learner mentors and teachers, also require additional help and qualifications, as we need to update and develop our skills. For this purpose, we may need to refer to some training organizations or may be enrolled on courses sponsored or provided by our own company. Reference: Brown, S. and Race, P. (1994) Assess Your Own Teaching Quality. London: Kogan Page Reece I and Walker S (2003) Teaching, Training and Learning: A practical Guide (5th Edition) 4. Analyze different ways in which you would establish ground rules with your learners, which underpin behavior and respect others. When it comes to behavior, I can say that the learners differ in respect to that and for this reason some ground rules need to be established in order to balance this difference. A group discussion about those rules can make the learners feel heard and included. Ground rules can be established by the tutor/teacher or they can be decided with the participation of the learners themselves. If the tutor is the one providing the rules, he/she needs to list them on a handout or slide making sure that the learners would understand them, add more and negotiate the rules. Another way of stating the rules is by putting notes in the classroom, as it is the case with the centre that I work in. We have notes on the walls or at the entrance door where each learner could read. Some of the rules that we have established in our centre are: ?Put your phone on silent or switch it off. Don’t disturb the others and take your calls outside. ?Make sure that you book your next session before you leave. ?Don’t print unnecessarily and collect your print outs as soon as possible. ?Don’t leave your personal belongings unattended. ?Switch off the monitor once you end your learning session. As discussed above, there are different ways to establish ground rules, but whichever way we decide to use, the importance is that those rules ensure that the class environment is respectful and that everyone has an opportunity to participate and remind students of the need for respect, openness, and ensitivity. From my practice I have seen that the learning process goes smoothly and pleasantly for everyone when all learners are sticking to the determined ground rules. They feel equal in this way and start proposing some additional rules. In this way to feel committed to the group and useful for the rest. The learners often interact with each other in the process of t he ground rules foundation and that serves as icebreaker. Ground rules enable students to have a clear understanding of acceptable behavior. Reference: http://gsi. berkeley. edu/resources/discussion/purpose. html http://www. learningandteaching. info/teaching/ground_rules. htm http://www. faculty. londondeanery. ac. uk/e-learning/small-group-teaching/setting-ground-rules 5. Evaluate a range of ways to embed elements of Functional Skills, in you specialist area. Functional skills are practical skills in English, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and mathematics, that allow individuals to work confidently, effectively and independently in life. In our organization, the functional skills are embedded in the courses themselves as we provide levels in English, mathematics and some additional courses, which are NVQ in Customer Service, Business Administration and Management. It is not surprising, that most of the learners are interested in the basic skills and the most of all they are enrolled on English and mathematics. What we do at the beginning is to test the basic skills of each new learner, as they are the basics that are required so they can move to more advanced and highly skilled courses. It is a requirement that the learner has at least Level 1 in English and mathematics so they are allowed to start one of the advanced courses. In case the learner is working at Entry level 1, 2 or 3, they need to spend some time working on their language or mathematical skills until they reach the required level to be able to do IT courses or NVQs. In my practice, most of the learners start with the basic skills and most of the time my support is focused on the variety of topics for English and mathematics. I am able to help learners develop their skills by learning about spelling, grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking and listening concerning the English. For the mathematics, we focus on whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages, shape and space, common measures and handling data. It is my duty to make sure that the learners are well picking up on all of the above topics and help them to overcome any difficulties that they come across in their learning journeys. I have to make sure that it is easy for them to follow the courses and to support them by providing different types of activities such as exercises, handouts, worksheets, mini tests, quizzes, etc. Without acquiring the functional skills, it is very difficult for every learner to progress onwards and to achieve good results. *The functional skills are embedded in my specialist area in variety of ways. English, for example, is required when the learners are filling the client questionnaires, where they show their abilities to read, understand written information and write in order to answer the questions. English is also required in the starting conversation where we need to explain them more about the courses that we offer and when providing them with whatever information they need in order to decided whether we can satisfy their learning needs. English is also required in order for the learner to understand the material and to work on the different courses that we provide. Mathematics in embedded when planning their learning journey as they need to be aware of the length of the courses, the hours that they need to spend or the duration of the session that they have in the centre or at home. They need to be aware of that and make the right calculations when booking their sessions in advance. ICT and the ability to use a computer are essential to our learners, as we are an organization that provides distant learning. That means that the courses are online and it is very important for the learner to know how to use the mouse, the keyboard, how to regulate the volume and connect the headset, how to log into their accounts and how to access the courses, for example. Reference: http://curriculum. qcda. gov. uk/key-stages-3-and-4/skills/functionalskills/index. aspx Functional Skills Pupil Book (2009) by Trevor Senior, Keith Gordon, Chris Pearce 6. Justify the need of keeping records and describe the types of records you would maintain. Keeping records is very important part of my job, as I need those information for planning, navigating and developing the learning process of the learner. We start collecting information as soon as the learner arrives in the centre. The first thing I would ask the learner is to fill a client questionnaire, where he/she provides me with information about his/her social and working status, previous learning or job experience and learning needs and goal. We also collect proofs of address, identity and eligibility. According to the Data Protection Act, this information is kept strictly confidential and some important data such as bank accounts balance sums, other names, etc are being blacked out. None of this information is shared with a third party or exposed to another learners. The next records that I keep, are those of any Initial Assessments, Diagnostics in English and mathematics and IAG forms (Information, Advice and Guidance). This information is essential for justifying the programme that the learner is enrolled on. Once the learning journey is agreed between the tutor and the learner, the learner is being enrolled on a programme and a Learning Agreement is printed out. One copy is given to the learner and the other is kept in the personal file of that learner. We also keep and individual learning plan containing progress reviews and some additional notes of the tutor. The personal folder of any learner contains also any assignments or exercises the learner has completed. For most of the courses I have to access a section called â€Å"Additional Documentation†, which contains exercises or different types of activities. Such information is a proof of the progress and the personal achievements of the learners. Those exercises and assignments are later used when the tutor provides feedback and discusses the learning process of the learner. When the learner completes a certain level in English or mathematics, for example, they need to pass an Online Test in order to achieve their qualifications. It is very important to keep the result slips in the learner’s file for a proof of achievement. Any progress reviews or exit interviews (when the learner finishes his/her learning and doesn’t want o be enrolled on any other courses) are kept in the files as well. Without keeping records, the learning process would be incomplete and ineffective so it is essential to keep such information and refer to it when necessary. Reference: http://www. teachersnetwork. org/ntol/howto/align/c15768,. htm 7. Review a range of different assessment methods available and explain the ones you would use for your subj ect area. Evaluate the use of assessment methods in different contexts, including reference to initial assessment. Justify the types of assessment records you would complete and explain why. When selecting the assessment methods, it is very important to think about the abilities and qualities we are seeking to discover in the learners. There are different assessment methods that are suitable for the needs of the students, the teacher’s curriculum, the learning and teaching strategies. Some of those methods include: examination, testing, essays writing, written assignments, oral assessments, visual assessments and other methods (discussions, simulations, peer assessments, self assessment, work based assessment, portfolio, etc. All methods have advantages and disadvantages but there are essential for the learning process, as students need to know they are achieving the required standard and what their strengths and weaknesses are. At my work place we have several types of assessments that are standard and on which we put every new learner, regardless of their previous learning experiences and qualifications. Those types of assessments are:  ·Initial Assessment We use computer based Initial Assessment tool, which has two sections – Numeracy and Literacy. This type of assessment has different stages and the numbers of questions that the learners are answering depends on the proportion of correct and wrong answers that the learner is giving. Once the assessment is completed the possible results can be: Working towards Entry level 1; general Entry level 1, general Entry level 2, general Entry level 3, general Level 1, High Level 1, general Level 2 and High Level 2. Those apply for the Literacy and Numeracy parts. Number Skills Check/Word Skills Check – if the learner is working generally on one of the above levels we need to put them in further diagnostic which gives the tutor more information about the strengths and weaknesses of the learners. It also provides more detailed information about how the learner is working on the different components. If we take the English, for example, the Words Skills Check examines the knowledge of the learner in the following sections: Speaking and Listening; Reading; Writing; Vocabulary, Spelli ng and Grammar. Based on this diagnostic, I can then create a complete programme about the courses, which the learner needs to be enrolled on in order to fill his/her knowledge gaps and to improve his/her skills.  ·Entry level Certificate in Literacy or Numeracy; Online National Test in Adult Literacy or Numeracy – after completing their programmes, the learners need to pass a test according to the National standards in order to achieve their qualification and gain a certificate. The rewarding body is OCR (Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations). Module examinations for the Home and Office IT – there are different modules in the programme for the IT course: Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Presentations. After completing each module, the learner is required to pass the relevant module examination in order to achieve the qualification.  ·Portfolio – when a learner is enrolled on NVQ in Customer Service Level 2 , they don’t have to pass any exam but they need to create their portfolio which will be evaluated by internal and external assessor. Reference: http://www. heacademy. ac. uk/ourwork/teachingandlearning/assessment [-0] http://www. tletraining. com

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Wwii Atomic Bombs Essay Example For Students

Wwii Atomic Bombs Essay WWII Atomic BombsWhen the atomic bomb went off over Hiroshima on Aug. 6th, 1945, 70,000 lives were ended in a flash. To theAmerican people who were weary from the long and brutal war, such a drastic measure seemed a necessary,even righteous way to end the madness that was World War II. However, the madness had just begun. ThatAugust morning was the day that heralded the dawn of the nuclear age, and with it came more than just the lossof lives. According to Archibald MacLeish, a U.S. poet, What happened at Hiroshima was not only that ascientific breakthrough . . . had occurred and that a great part of the population of a city had been burned todeath, but that the problem of the relation of the triumphs of modern science to the human purposes of man hadbeen explicitly defined. We will write a custom essay on Wwii Atomic Bombs specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The entire globe was now to live with the fear of total annihilation, the fear that drove thecold war, the fear that has forever changed world politics. The fear is real, more real today than ever, for theease at which a nuclear bomb is achieved in this day and age sparks fear in the hearts of most people on thisplanet. According to General Douglas MacArthur, We have had our last chance. If we do not devise somegreater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door. The decision to drop the atomic bomb onJapanese citizens in August, 1945, as a means to bring the long Pacific war to an end was justified-militarily,politically and morally. The goal of waging war is victory with minimum losses on ones own side and, if possible, on the enemys side.No one disputes the fact that the Japanese military was prepared to fight to the last man to defend the homeislands, and indeed had already demonstrated this determination in previous Pacific island campaigns. Aweapon originally developed to contain a Nazi atomic project was available that would spare Americanshundreds of thousands of causalities in an invasion of Japan, and-not incidentally-save several times more thanthat among Japanese soldiers and civilians. The thousands who have died in the atomic attacks on Hiroshimaand Nagasaki were far less than would have died in an allied invasion, and their sudden deaths convinced theJapanese military to surrender. Every nation has an interest in being at peace with other nations, but there has never been a time when theworld was free of the scourge of war. Hence, peaceful nations must always have adequate military force at theirdisposal in order to deter or defeat the aggressive designs of rogue nations. The United States was thereforeright in using whatever means were necessary to defeat the Japanese empire in the war which the latter began,including the use of superior or more powerful weaponry-not only to defeat Japan but to remain able followingthe war to maintain peace sufficiently to guarantee its own existence. A long, costly and bloody conflict is awasteful use of a nations resources when quicker, more decisive means are available. Japan was not then-orlater-the only nation America had to restrain, and an all-out U.S. invasion of Japan would have risked the victoryalready gained in Europe in the face of the palpable thereat of Soviet domination. Finally, we can never forget the maxim of Edmund Burke: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is thatgood men do nothing. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor brought us into a war which we had vainly hopedto avoid. We could no longer do nothing but were compelled to do something to roll back the Japanesemilitarists. Victims of aggression have every right both to end the aggression and to prevent the perpetrator of itfrom continuing or renewing it. .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 , .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 .postImageUrl , .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 , .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843:hover , .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843:visited , .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843:active { border:0!important; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843:active , .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843 .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua095e240cfbc036e6b86a9a7ddb0d843:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Chinese Pottery Essay Our natural right of self defense as well as our moral duty to defeat tyrannyjustified our decision to wage the war and, ultimately, to drop the atomic bomb. We should expect politicalleaders to be guided by moral principles but this does not mean they must subject millions of people toneedless injury or death out of a misplaced concern for the safety of enemy soldiers or civilians. President Trumans decision to deploy atomic power in Japan revealed a man who understood the moral issuesat stake and who had the courage to strike a decisive blow that quickly brought to an end the most destructivewar in human history. Squeamishness is not a moral princip le, but making the best decisions at the time, giventhe circumstances, is clear evidence that the decision maker is guided by morality. The atomic bomb was considered a quick and even economical way to win the war; however, it was a crueland unusual form of punishment for the Japanese citizens. The weapon that we refer to as quick was just theopposite. On one hand, it meant a quick end to the war for the United States, and on the other hand, a slow andpainful death to many innocent Japanese. According to a book called Hiroshima Plus 20 the effects of radiationpoisoning are horrific, ranging from purple spots on the skin, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, bleeding from themouth, gums, and throat, weakened immune systems, to massive internal hemorrhaging, not to mention thedisfiguring radiation burns. The effects of the radiation poisoning continued to show up until about a month afterthe bombing. In fact the bomb also killed or permanently damaged fetuses in the womb. Death and destructionare always a reality of war; however, a quick death is always more humanitarian. When this powerful nation called the United States dropped the bomb, we sent out the official go ahead for therest of the world that nuclear weapons were a viable means of warfare. We unofficially announced that it wasO.K. to bomb women, children, and elderly citizens. The thought that atomic weapons are needed to keep thepeace is exactly the idea that fueled the cold war. Albert Einstein said in a speech, The armament racebetween the U.S.A. and U. S.S.R., originally supposed to be a preventative measure, assumes hystericalcharacter. On both sides, the means of mass-destruction are perfected with feverish haste . . . The H-bombappears on the public horizon as a probably attainable goal. Its accelerated development has been solemnlyproclaimed by the president. In short, according to Hiroshima Plus 20, by now, the military has at least 50, 000 nuclear warheads in storageand ready with a handful of people in charge of them. In the words of James Conant, President of Harvard, Theextreme dangers to mankind inherent in the proposal wholly outweigh any military advantage. Has the atomic bomb introduced the fear of total annihilation . ..that has forever changed world politics? Thatseems to be the main point of the argument against dropping the atomic bomb on Japanese cities in August,1945. Yet this judgment completely abstracts from the concrete circumstances in which the decision wasmade-a world exhausted by war; an implacable, cunning and ruthless enemy; hundreds of thousands ofcasualties in an allied invasion of Japan; permanent strategic considerations; and the like. In other words, thereply fails to meet the argument for dropping the bomb and changes the subject from the immediate decision tothe long-term consequences of the decision. But even if one grants the point about fear of annihilation, it is not clear that the world has fundamentally changednor that the whole world is always in danger of nations from time immemorial. For example, ancient Romesacked Carthage, plowed it under and salted the earth. Medieval and modern religious wars have annihilatedmillions. .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 , .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 .postImageUrl , .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 , .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2:hover , .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2:visited , .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2:active { border:0!important; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2:active , .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2 .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u654fd088e0ccfdbec24186ecf82a32e2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Jubilee Year Essay More recently, there was Hitlers genocidal six-million-death final solution to the Jewish problem, andthe Communists ten of millions of mass murders continue to this day. All this has been done without benefit ofnuclear power. Gen. MacArthurs comments came at the beginning of the atomic or nuclear age, and while the source and thejudgment deserve respect, experience has shown that nuclear power in Western hands deterred a third worldwar and ultimately caused the collapse of the greatest threat to world peace since World War II, namely, theSoviet Union. But even during the much-decried arms race of the Cold War years, both East and West refinedtheir crude nuclear technology to suit the requirements of waging war, e.g. targeting the enemys missiles,aircraft and submarines, rather than putting all their eggs in the nuclear annihilation basket. War is a terriblething but the fear of annihilation will curb even the greatest tyrants bloodlust. In short, fear is part of the human condition and those peaceful nations which learn to live with the destructivepotential of nuclear power are capable of great good. Great evil is more likely to be the result of uncheckednuclear power in hands of lawless nations. As ever, peace and safety depend upon military power being in theright hands. English Essays

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Identity of Frederick Douglass essays

The Identity of Frederick Douglass essays Slavery was perhaps one of the most appalling tragedies in the history of the United States of America. To tell the people of the terrible facts, runaway slaves wrote their accounts of slavery down on paper and published it for the nation to read. Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs were just two of the many slaves who did this. Each of the slaves had different experiences with slavery, but their narratives have one thing in common; they tell the tale of the abominable institution of slavery and the adverse effect it had on their lives. The purpose of this paper is to give an extensive look at the experience of Frederick Douglass as a male slave and compared it to Harriet A. Jacobs experience as a female slave. Frederick Douglass was a successful abolitionist who changed Americas views of slavery through his writings and actions. He grew up as a slave and experienced all of the hardships, such as whippings, scarce meals, and other forms of abuse. Douglass provided a powerful voice for slaves during this period of American history and he is still honored today for his contributions to the fight against racial injustice. Fredericks life as a slave had the greatest impact on his writings. Due to his personal experience with slavery, he was able to channel and develop the necessary emotions and experiences for him to become a successful abolitionist writer and reach the American people. Frederick Douglass Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, was an autobiography written about his experiences both during and following his life as a slave. The narrative is Douglass tool for establishing himself as an abolitionist leader as well as teaching a varied audience about the reality of slave. I n his narrative, Douglass wrote the complete story of his wretched life as a slave and his strive to obtain freedom. The main motivational force behind his character was to make it through another day so that so...

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Women's Place in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Women's Place in Society - Essay Example The wife loses her original self in her attempt to come up to the expectations of the husband, yet the husband considers it her duty and thus, does not owe her a â€Å"thank you†. The tragedy is that this discrimination on the basis of genders is all man-built. God had created men and women equal to each other. In this paper, Grimke’s contentions about women that she mentioned in her letters have been explored. 1. For a lot of reasons, status of the woman in the society has been deemed similar to that of a slave. The document mentions several laws that guide upon the way a woman has to be dealt with in different circumstances. Presence or absence of her husband in the surroundings or his approval or disapproval of her actions makes a fundamental difference in the legal status of a woman’s actions. In this document by Sarah Grimke, woman has been considered as so weak as compared to the man that her self is considered to get merged into that of her husband after m arriage. Since marriage unites the two souls into one, man has been discouraged to offer anything to woman as a present because if he does so, it is thought of as an action to separate the woman from his own self. Even the law does not hold a man chargeable for anything that a wife asks him for except what is basic, though a man is free to waste his resources and money on gambling and fulfilling his lustful desires. A woman may not seek treatment if she gets injured until her husband approves of. Like a master pays for the injuries inflicted on a servant, a husband is responsible for the expenses incurred by a woman for her injuries. Even if she provides sufficient evidence that her husband made her do a certain crime, the woman is believed to have violated the eighth commandment. When she claims a bond with man, the two are considered one. In cases when the woman tends to get her separate self acknowledged, she is considered inferior to the man. Despite that, when found guilty of a crime, she is deemed liable for the punishment of the same level of severity as is inflicted upon the men in their case. 2. Human perception and remembrance of the difference between genders remain profound when a man and a woman interact with each other. Thus, the way a woman is approached by a man is a considerably blow to her dignity. Man favors woman to address her weaknesses, and once he earns her appreciation, he uses her for his own purposes. God has made man and woman equal. Therefore, in order to be best able to benefit from each other’s societies, it is imperative that man and woman interact with each other with no regard to sex. Women’s intellectual abilities have conventionally been underestimated by men and they have been used as domestic products. Women themselves are also partly responsible for this injustice since they have allowed men to treat them that way. By stepping into the society and socializing with people to do good to them and spread the mes sage of the Creator, women would only add to their purity and would be able to optimize on their intellectual abilities and oratory skills. Besides, woman assumes a very important role in the familial structure in that she is the manager of the house and the nurturer of the children that are the building blocks of the society. Concluding all that has been discussed above, women have been forced to live as slaves to men. Although they were born with the same level of intellectual ability as that of men, yet they were forbidden to explore their abilities by the men. Women’s low status in the society can be fundamentally attributed to their own submissiveness to the men. If women want to live on an equal footing with